
Captcha error_You have entered a wrong verification code!

JWE 28 Oct, 2018
Hi there,

I'm not sure why this is happening - pls see image attached.

Here is the code:

<div class="form-group" id="form-row-text1"><label for="text1" class="control-label">Act No</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-text1"><input name="act" id="text1" value="" placeholder="" maxlength="150" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-text2"><label for="text2" class="control-label">Type of Event</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-text2"><input name="type" id="text2" value="" placeholder="" maxlength="150" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-datepicker4"><label for="datepicker4" class="control-label">Date of Event</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-datepicker4"><input name="date" id="datepicker4" value="" data-gdatetimepicker-format="d-m-Y" placeholder="" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" data-fieldtype="gdatetimepicker" data-start_view="d" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-text5"><label for="text5" class="control-label">Event Suburb</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-text5"><input name="suburb" id="text5" value="" placeholder="" maxlength="150" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-text6"><label for="text6" class="control-label">No. of Guests</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-text6"><input name="guests" id="text6" value="" placeholder="" maxlength="150" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-dropdown7"><label for="dropdown7" class="control-label">Budget</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-dropdown7"><select name="budget" id="dropdown7" size="" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="">
<option value="">(Please Select)</option>
<option value="$0-$500">$0-$500</option>
<option value="$500-$1000">$500-$1000</option>
<option value="$1000-$1500">$1000-$1500</option>
<option value="$1500-$2000">$1500-$2000</option>
<option value="$2000-$3000">$2000-$3000</option>
<option value="$3000-$4000">$3000-$4000</option>
<option value="over $5000">over $5000</option>
</select></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-text8"><label for="text8" class="control-label">Name</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-text8"><input name="name" id="text8" value="" placeholder="" maxlength="150" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-text9"><label for="text9" class="control-label">Email</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-text9"><input name="email" id="text9" value="" placeholder="" maxlength="150" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-text10"><label for="text10" class="control-label">Phone</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-text10"><input name="phone" id="text10" value="" placeholder="" maxlength="150" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-text11"><label for="text11" class="control-label">State</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-text11"><input name="state" id="text11" value="" placeholder="" maxlength="150" size="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-inputmask="" data-load-state="" data-tooltip="" type="text" /></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-textarea12"><label for="textarea12" class="control-label">Enquiry</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-textarea12"><textarea name="enquiry" id="textarea12" placeholder="" rows="3" cols="50" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" data-wysiwyg="0" data-load-state="" data-tooltip=""></textarea></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-captcha"><div class="gcore-subinput-container-wide" id="fitem"><label for="captcha1" class="control-label">Enter the code</label>
<div class="gcore-input gcore-sub-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-captcha1"><input placeholder="" class="validate[&#039;required&#039;] form-control" title="" style="" type="text" name="captcha" id="captcha1" /></div></div>
<div class="gcore-subinput-container-wide" id="fitem1"><div class="gcore-input gcore-sub-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-captcha2">{captcha_img}</div></div><div class="clearfix"></div></div><div class="form-group" id="form-row-button14"><div class="gcore-input gcore-display-table" id="fin-button14"><input name="button14" id="button14" type="submit" value="Submit" class="btn btn-default" style="" data-load-state="" /></div></div>
GreyHead 29 Oct, 2018

There is no image attached.

I've seen this a couple of times recently and the fix has been to set the form Action URL manually. It seems as if something in the Joomla! router is now losing the ReCaptcha data.

JWE 31 Oct, 2018
Hi there,

I don't understand, what am i meant to do?
What do you mean to set the form Action URL manually?
Can you please explain, as I really don't understand.

Thanks in advance!
GreyHead 01 Nov, 2018

In the form Setup tab open the HTML (render form) action and add the Action URL there

JWE 07 Nov, 2018
Hi there,

When i do the above it returns a 404 error.
I entered the following as suggested above :
I really don't know what to do with this form anymore.
I created a new form and the same thing happens.
I'm currently losing clients, which is annoying.
What else can you suggest?
Thanks in advance!
GreyHead 07 Nov, 2018

I took a look but

403: Access Forbidden
Your location (FR) has been blacklisted.

Have you tried switching to a different Captcha temporarily while you resolve this?

JWE 13 Nov, 2018
Hi There,

I have unblocked your location
Can you pls take a look at this form / problem and let me know what to do:
As the above did not help and no I haven't switched to a different Captcha as I would like to resolve this issue.
Thanks in advance!
healyhatman 13 Nov, 2018
Silly question but have you made sure you've put in the right API key / site key / secret?
GreyHead 13 Nov, 2018

The form is now disabled - I can just see this in the page HTML "Form not found or is not published"

JWE 14 Nov, 2018
Hi there,

I'm seriously confused now, the form is definitely there and is published.
Can you please check again
healyhatman 14 Nov, 2018
I can see it. Did you get my test submission I tried yesterday? Or the one I just did then? I refreshed the code a couple times and then it went through or at least it stopped showing the error - there doesn't appear to be a success message or anything though
GreyHead 14 Nov, 2018

It submitted OK when I tested.


PS Sorry for the confusion - yesterday I tested using the URL in your earlier post that contained index.php?option=com_chronoforms5&chronoform=ContactUs - that one is still not found.
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